Architecture & Urbanism


Architecture & Urbanism
Katsieris Origami is an architecture and urban design studio based in Melbourne. We design in a forward-looking, optimistic manner believing that excellent architecture and urban design enrich individual and collective human existence.

Our studio is unique in that we design small and large-scale projects simultaneously. From modest houses to large civic buildings to major urban designs, we find that robust designs take on an inevitable quality, willing themselves into reality irrespective of scale. Our designs start from our client's brief, their particular stories and the specifics of their site. We weave these elements together and often cross-fertilise them with narrative or abstract elements to achieve equilibrium between the poetic and the rational.

Designing and building are pure, cultural activities; both disciplines manifestly enriched by engaging constantly with the other. Through the design and construction of our projects, we have established long-lasting relationships with our clients, construction contractors, specialist workshops and dedicated material fabricators.

We are committed to the championing of local manufacturing expertise. Our design process involves the early input of specialist fabricators and construction contractors. This gives our studio greater capacity to refine design ideas, ensure designs are workable, sustainable and also capture the poetic potential often inherent in ever-evolving construction techniques.

We work to deliver exemplary, responsible buildings, large or small; urban spaces, micro or macro, that provide long term, life-enhancing experiences. Ones where our client’s brief, form, space, place, technology, construction science and art, all fuse to the enduring benefit of all.

Architecture & Urbanism